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ISBN10: 1265339023 |Â ISBN13: 9781265339029
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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A concise and engaging biology text for biology majors, Understanding Biology emphasizes fundamentals concepts to help students better understand biology and focus on developing scientific skills. This approach utilizes the Vision and Change guidelines of Core Concepts and Core Skills while helping students begin the process of becoming a scientist.
1--The Science of Biology
2--The Nature of Moleculars and the Properties of Water
3--The Chemical Building Blocks of Life
Part II The Biology of the Cell
4--Cell Structure
6--Energy and Metabolism
7--How Cells Harvest Energy
9--Cell Communication
10--How Cells Divide
Part III Genetic and Molecular Biology
11--Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis
12--Patterns of Inheritance
13--The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance
14--DNA: The Genetic Material
15--Genes and How They Work
16--Control of Gene Expression
Part IV Evolution
19--Genes Within Populations
20--The Evidence for Evolution
21--The Origin of Species
Part V The Diversity of Life
22--Systematics and Phylogeny
23--Prokaryotes and Viruses
27--Animal Diversity
Part VI Plant Form and Function
29--Plant Form
30--Flowering Plant Reproduction
31--The Living Plant
Part VII Animal Form and Function
32--The Animal Biology and How It Moves
33--The Nervous System
34--Fueling the Body's Metabolism
35--Maintaining Homeostasis
36--Reproduction and Development
Part VIII Ecology and Behavior
37--Behavioral Biology
38--Ecology of Individuals and Populations
39--Community Ecology and Ecosystem Dynamics
40--The Living World
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