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Humanities, Social Science and Language

Digital Products

Course management,reporting, andstudent learningtools backed bygreat support.

91HUB Hill GO
Greenlight learning with the new eBook+

Personalize learning and assessment

® Placement, Preparation, and Learning
Achieve accurate math placement

Ignite mastery of MS Office and IT skills

91HUB Hill eBook & ReadAnywhere App
Get learning that fits anytime, anywhere

Sharpen: Study App
A reliable study app for students

Virtual Labs
Flexible, realistic science simulations


Inclusive Access
Reduce costs and increase success

LMS Integration
Log in and sync up

Math Placement
Achieve accurate math placement

Content Collections powered by Create®
Curate and deliver your ideal content

Custom Courseware Solutions
Teach your course your way

Professional Services
Collaborate to optimize outcomes

Remote Proctoring
Validate online exams even offsite

Institutional Solutions
Increase engagement, lower costs, and improve access for your students


General Help & Support Info
Customer Service & Tech Support contact information

FAQs, articles, chat, email or phone support

Support At Every Step
Instructor tools, training and resources for ALEKS, Connect & SIMnet

Instructor Sample Requests
Get step by step instructions for requesting an evaluation, exam, or desk copy

System status in real time

Connect Master is Proven to Increase Student Performance

Management professor Wyld at Southeastern Louisiana University finds student performance increases by half a grade point when using Connect Master. “The available activities aid in learning the chapter materials and provide great reinforcement and preparation for tests.”

student in library on laptop
student working on laptop

More Engaging and Motivating Learning Experience

Engage students inside and outside of class with a personalized learning experience. Build foundational knowledge and keep students motivated with highly engaging real-world applications.

Connect Master Features

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Digital-First Learning Software

Engage students and keep them motivated while addressing the concern that students don’t read.

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Practical Assessments

With speech assignments, application-based activities, writing assignments and more. There are a variety of formats that deliver real-world skills for today’s students.

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Adaptive Practice

Adaptive assignments give students a personalized learning experience, leading to greater efficiency and concept mastery.

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Digital Aligned Content You Control

Learning objectives, assessments, and instructional content are aligned to ensure instruction directly supports what is assessed.

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Interactive Reader

Key concepts are enhanced through resources that provide an active learning experience. Interactive Reader varies by course.

Hear What Connect Master
Authors and Users Have to Say

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