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Grades 6–12
Free Resources
Free Resources
Aligned to specific lessons, these clips feature compelling stories, stunning graphics, and archival footage that spark students’ curiosity and inspire class discussions.
For offline use in your classroom, click the download button in the video play bar.
Revolution and
Printing Press
Middle School US History
Learn how the printing press influenced the Revolutionary War, with both patriots and loyalists using it to promote their cause.
Life in the Himalaya
Middle School World History
Explore the Himalayan geography, terrain, climate, economy, and culture
The Great Migration
High School US History
Discover the effects of the Great Migration, which took place when African Americans moved to northern cities in the 20th century
Swahili Culture
High School World History
See how Arab immigrants, Indian traders, and indigenous African people contributed to the establishment of Swahili culture.
Inquiry Resources
Designed to promote inquiry, this social studies worksheet and poster empower students to develop informed opinions and perspectives.