My Account Details
California Literacy Programs
The Power of Biliteracy
California Maravillas helps students to become bilingual, biliterate and bicultural. Students experience a word of rich, authentic Spanish literature. Maravillas and Wonders focus on the same Essential Questions within each week, for truly parallel instruction in two languages.
For print and digital samples, program information, and presentations, contact your 91HUB Hill Representative.
Student Resources
Reading/Writing Workshop
Teach and model close reading and writing to sources.
Close Reading Companion
Deep engagement with text, guided close reading, and intensive practice writing across sources.
Leveled Readers
50% informational, 50% literary text tied to weekly themes, skills, and strategies, provided at three levels for students Approaching, On, and Beyond grade level.
Teacher Resources
Teacher Edition
Six spiral–bound volumes, including whole–class and small–group instruction with frequent options to "Level Up".
Student Resources
Reading/Writing Workshop
Teach and model close reading and writing to sources.
Literature Anthology
Practice and apply close reading and writing to sources, including many exemplars and award–winners.
Close Reading Companion
Deep engagement with text, guided close reading, and intensive practice writing across sources.
Leveled Readers
50% informational, 50% literary text tied to weekly themes, skills, and strategies, provided at three levels for students Approaching, On, and Beyond grade level.
Teacher Resources
Teacher Edition
Six spiral–bound volumes, including whole–class and small–group instruction with frequent options to "Level Up".
Student Resources
Reading/Writing Workshop
Teach and model close reading and writing to sources.
Literature Anthology
Practice and apply close reading and writing to sources, including many exemplars and award–winners.
Close Reading Companion
Deep engagement with text, guided close reading, and intensive practice writing across sources.
Leveled Readers
50% informational, 50% literary text tied to weekly themes, skills, and strategies, provided at three levels for students Approaching, On, and Beyond grade level.
Teacher Resources
Teacher Edition
Six spiral–bound volumes, including whole–class and small–group instruction with frequent options to "Level Up".
Student Resources
Reading/Writing Workshop
Teach and model close reading and writing to sources.
Literature Anthology
Practice and apply close reading and writing to sources, including many exemplars and award–winners.
Close Reading Companion
Deep engagement with text, guided close reading, and intensive practice writing across sources.
Teacher Resources
Teacher Edition
Six spiral–bound volumes, including whole–class and small–group instruction with frequent options to "Level Up".
Student Resources
Reading/Writing Workshop
Teach and model close reading and writing to sources.
Literature Anthology
Practice and apply close reading and writing to sources, including many exemplars and award–winners.
Close Reading Companion
Deep engagement with text, guided close reading, and intensive practice writing across sources.
Teacher Resources
Teacher Edition
Six spiral–bound volumes, including whole–class and small–group instruction with frequent options to "Level Up".
Student Resources
Reading/Writing Workshop
Teach and model close reading and writing to sources.
Literature Anthology
Practice and apply close reading and writing to sources, including many exemplars and award–winners.
Close Reading Companion
Deep engagement with text, guided close reading, and intensive practice writing across sources.
Teacher Resources
Teacher Edition
Six spiral–bound volumes, including whole–class and small–group instruction with frequent options to "Level Up".
Student Resources
Reading/Writing Workshop
Teach and model close reading and writing to sources.
Literature Anthology
Practice and apply close reading and writing to sources, including many exemplars and award–winners.
Close Reading Companion
Deep engagement with text, guided close reading, and intensive practice writing across sources.
Teacher Resources
Teacher Edition
Six spiral–bound volumes, including whole–class and small–group instruction with frequent options to "Level Up".