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WonderWorks: A K–6 Reading Intervention Program

Level Up with WonderWorks

WonderWorks is designed to drive student achievement by connecting focused strategies for intervention with the content of the Wonders core program. Grounded in research, the two programs work together to support students who may benefit from intervention.

WonderWorks helps ensure student access to the same content, skills, strategies, and knowledge building as the core program by offering instructional on-ramps and acceleration. Learners benefit from research-based, data-driven, systematic instruction.

WonderWorks rapidly accelerates students back to grade-level standards and promotes literacy by building foundational skills, fostering student ownership of learning, developing close reading skills, providing differentiated instruction with scaffolded support, and informing instruction through assessment.

Students track their own progress toward learning goals in the Interactive Worktext (Grades 2–6).

Learn more about WonderWorks:

Teacher's Edition

Targeted intervention instruction to support students toward leveling up to grade-level standards. 

Interactive Worktext (Grades 2–6) 

Students work with the same weekly themes, skills, and strategies as the core Wonders  curriculum, with student goals and additional on-page scaffolding and support for intervention.

Practice Book (Grades K–1) 

Reproducibles that provide multiple opportunities for students to master skills and strategies and features phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, phonics, spelling, handwriting, high-frequency words, category words, and grammar practice for each week of instruction, plus take-home stories. 

Decodable Readers (Grades K–3) 

Designed to help develop confident readers, these stories reinforce phonics instruction and provide opportunities for students to apply their skills of word reading to connected text.

Apprentice Leveled Readers (Grades 2–6) 

The Apprentice Leveled Readers deliver scaffolded versions of the °Â´Ç²Ô»å±ð°ù²õÌýleveled readers to support students who are reading up to two grade levels below. These readers offer support in "leveling up" to the Approaching Leveled Reader in the core Wonders  curriculum. 

Apprentice Leveled Reader Lesson Cards (Grades 2–6)

These lesson cards scaffold close reading of the Apprentice Leveled Readers and provide support for accessing complex text features, responding to text-dependent questions, and writing about reading. Support small group, "grab and go" reading lessons.

Foundational Skills Kits (Grades 2–3 and 4–6)

The Foundational Skills Kits offers explicit instruction, practice, and assessment of phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and word recognition to remediate identified gaps in skills. 

The kit includes Foundational Skills Lesson Cards, Foundational Skills Practice Reproducibles and Foundational Skills Assessments, High-Frequency Word Cards, a Decodable Readers package, Sound-Spelling Cards, Workboards, and many more interactive instructional components. 

Foundational Skills Lesson Cards

Mini-lesson cards reinforce foundational skills at grades 2–3 and 4–6; also include skills routine cards for the teacher to provide guidance for lessons. Lessons include explicit corrective feedback options and the addition of student goals, check-ins, and multi-modal learning. 

Foundational Skills Practice

Reproducibles that provide meaningful, scaffolded practice activities based on the weekly skills, with a focus on Foundational Skills. Practice pages in grades 2–3 focus on phonemic awareness, phonics, and structural analysis; practice pages in grades 4–6 focus on phonics and structural analysis. Speed drills are included to practice word automaticity.

Foundational Skills Assessment 

This book of assessment reproducibles helps teachers monitor student mastery of foundational reading skills. The results of the tests inform subsequent instruction and assist in group and leveling decisions.

Assessment Book

This assessment component helps teachers monitor student mastery of critical reading skills. The results of the tests inform subsequent instruction and assist in group and leveling decisions. Grades K–1 assessments focus on foundational skills. Grades 2–6 assessments focus on comprehension, vocabulary, literary elements, and text features. Exit tests are available every six weeks to assist in deciding when students are ready to exit the WonderWorks program. Fluency assessments are provided for all grades. 

Resources for Hands-On Learning

High-Frequency Word Cards

Support acquisition of high-frequency vocabulary.

Photo Cards (Grades K–2)

Brightly colored picture cards to increase content area and domain-specific vocabulary. 

Sound/Spelling Cards (Lenticular)

Laminated cards support instruction in medial short-vowel sounds, final consonant sounds, and vowel variants. Show sound-spelling connections, along with a lenticular image that "moves" to demonstrate the correct mouth articulation for creating a sound.  

Sound/Spelling Workboard

Write-on/wipe off response boards support phonemic awareness and phonics lessons and provide a visual tool for students to complete activities.  

Letter Cards

Box of small letter cards which includes multiple cards for each letter to help students build words. 

Sound Box (Grades K–1) 

Three-dimensional Elkonin-style box, with pockets and plastic chips to add a multimodal (kinesthetic) element to learning. Helps students build phonological awareness by segmenting words into individual sounds; also used to develop phonemic awareness and support teacher modeling. 
